Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Weekend in Awesometown

I realize that it's Tuesday and the time for retelling weekend events has nearly passed, but a few things over the weekend were just too blog-worthy not to mention.

I attended my fourth, and most likely final Sooners game of the season on Saturday night in Norman with my brother and parents. I always love the first cold game of the season. It doesn't get much better than freezing your tail off in 30 degree weather with 85 thousand other crazy OU fans. The Sooners made a pretty good showing - especially on defense, which really seems to be coming together. I was also impressed with the Sooners running game against a decent Colorado rush defense. Allen Patrick stepped in nicely with 115 yards on 35 carries, and overall it was a good win considering we just lost the best back in the country.

I would also like to take a minute to brag about my 6-year-old niece and her heroics. If you haven't heard, my sister-in-law was taken to the emergency room over the weekend after passing out and hitting her head while cleaning. We're praying that it is no big deal, and at this point it doesn't appear to be. She was able to get to the ER because Madison, her daughter, found her and dialed 911 on her cell phone. Everything ended okay because Madison had the presence of mind to calmly pick up the phone and do what she had been taught.

The night in the emergency room was absolutely bizarre. If you've never been inside an ER on a Saturday night, its like an ER reality show. I arrived at the Baylor ER around 1:30 to find Allison and Jevanna in the waiting room (By the way- a big Thanks to Jevanna for helping out with whole situation). Allison and I then went in and sat with Lindsay to offer some company. FIVE and HALF HOURS later, they told us that there was nothing wrong with her and that we could go.

We saw it all. Well, not really, but we saw A LOT of gross stuff. The man one curtain over was in a motorcycle accident and was not wearing a helmet when his face hit the pavement. He was unrecognizable. We sat and watched for 4 hours while a plastic surgeon sewed and stapled up his face. (He had been there for over 12 hours) The woman two curtains down had apparently been in a fight with another woman who had bitten her bottom lip off.

The most bizarre part of the whole night was the fact that we were able to just sit there and watch it all going on. All the sewing, and bleeding and screaming was happening with us three just sitting there taking it all in. And no one really seemed to mind.

The plastic surgeon deserves every dime they pay him. Several other employees of that hospital- not so much. It seemed like every time I walked past the desk, the nurses and several doctors were just talking about the latest Grey's Anatomy episode instead of checking on patients. (especially Lindsay) The excuse all night (for not getting anything done) was "well- you know, there's more serious patients" and "its really busy". I feel worse for those "serious patients" who were moaning all night while the staff was catching up on their tv talk. We saw several more victims of car crashes, failed suicide attempts, and bar fights.

It was a very interesting night, and now I believe my dad was right all those years when he said, "Not much good happens after midnight". More on the hospital trip tomorrow.

You may eliminate Allen.


Kami said...

Allen, really....come on Ellis...give us a good one!

James Y said...

Dude. If you're up after midnight, you're up to no good. Your dad is right. There's no reason to be up after midnight. And now that I work at a job that is taxing, there's really no reason to be up after, say, 7:30.